Mustafa Ali

Product Designer & UX Designer —
I turn ideas into experiences with intent and purpose.

A macOS app designed to help people learn a new language on a platform they’re familiar with. Users have the ability to learn solo or rely on friends to motivate them via friendly competition.



iPad app for children to build their Arabic language fluency from the comfort of their own home, and giving parents the tools to help them strengthen that foundation.


Alif Baa Taa World

Ropes & Gray

MyMix improves Apple Music by letting users visualize playlists with audio cassettes, colors, and emojis, allowing for multiple mood-based mixes and generating mixes from emoji descriptions.

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MyMix - an Apple Music Experience

AI for home design that leverages generative technology to help people craft their interior design dream.



Talent planning | Me@Walmart

I led the design + strategy for an internal product at Walmart that targeted talent planning as a whole for the Enterprise.


I redesigned the navigation for Meta Careers to accommodate their Pathways Program site pages and designed the page templates.


Meta Careers

I led the UX strategy and design for the entire site redesign for the Ropes & Gray website.


Lock and View introduces a feature to the Photos app that disables key features on the app, ensuring only photos specifically selected are visible and preventing actions beyond viewing images and videos from occurring. 

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Lock and View for Apple Photos